Shamanic journeying involves going into a deep meditative state. Practiced for centuries among indigenous cultures, SoundWorks! a quarum of trained Soundwork as Soulwork Practitioners enliven this experience and bring it into the modern form. At times melodic, sometimes dissonant—The Journey’s are always unique, fresh and new, and are created in the moment, utilizing intimate knowledge of the vibrational nature of our bodies.

For 90 minutes or more, as you lay on the floor, a collection of live sound will be played around and over you. You will be cacooned in live ambient sound, from traditions across the globe and ancient times. SoundWorks! create a safe, spontaneous environment. Some have used these sessions for deep meditation, others a journey or visioning experience, still others describe the evening as a sound massage -- Yours is to discover!

The circle is open to everyone, whether you have experience journeying or are a beginner.

SoundWorks! presents

The Journey
SoundWorks! create the safe space for shamanic meditative experience and bring it into the modern form.

Friday, November 24th
Transformational Arts College
3300 Yonge Street, Suite 301
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

$20.00 at the door or pay what you can
rsvp's are honoured and appreciated